Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Great Hunter

The latest tragedy to befall the people of planet Earth is the terrible earthquake that struck Haiti a few days ago (Jan 12 2010). Sadly this happened in one of the poorest countries on the face of the planet. Haiti was ill prepared for this catastrophe, since they have never experienced a quake of this magnitude before, their infrastructure was not equipped to handle this sort of devastation. Many tens of thousands of people are missing and feared dead. Their society has descended into anarchy as all law and order has disappeared. It is a sad state of affairs. This could happen anywhere on Earth, at any time with no warning at all and no rational reason behind it. The clock is ticking for all of us in this funny thing we call life. This truth is put so eloquently by Yaqui sorcerer Don Juan Matus:

"The countless paths one takes in life are all equal, oppressors and oppressed meet at the end and the only thing that prevails is that life was all together too short for both"

Whether we are rich or poor, black or white, Religious or Atheist; death will always find us. We only walk this Earth for a short time, scarcely the blink of an eye, before we are called to leave. That is why we must cherish every moment, the good times, the bad times, they are equally valuable as we continue our journey towards enlightenment. Many people over many lifetimes have had many different conceptions as to what life is and what lies beyond its fragile boundaries. Whatever your personal beliefs may be, there is one thing that most of us can agree on: death is not the end.

Since man first picked up his stone tools in the forgotten ages of prehistory; we have always possessed a keen thirst for knowledge. Fearless pioneers have explored the darkest jungles of human experience and brought back invaluable secrets. Shamans have ventured into other realities seeking answers for the betterment of humanity. Western science has learned to build machines that leave the bonds of earth and fly amongst the stars; and the Internet has opened instant communications across continents. The "progress" of man has seemed to know no bounds. However, lately it seems that the vast majority of our technological pursuits have focused on three things: making life a little longer, making life a little more comfortable and making life shorter for our enemies.

We have lost our way, clinging vainly to life, in constant fear of our own approaching demise. We run away, but we do not know where to run to. Most people put the idea of their own death as far away as possible; perhaps only contemplating their mortality in times of crisis or at the loss of a loved one. It is much easier that way, we can focus on day to day things and the inevitable time of our passing lies somewhere in the distant mists of tomorrow. We think we are immortal most of the time, imagining that death will never find us, that somehow we will be able to escape its clutches. This misconception gives us license to say anything we want, do anything we want, basically permission to act atrociously. There will always be time to make amends, we can always apologize tomorrow for the sins of today we foolishly tell ourselves. But this is not so.

None of us have time for such foolishness anymore, we can no longer afford to continue down our current path toward oblivion. The acceptance of our own death does not mean that one should fall into the dark shadow of despair, fearing each day that it may arrive. It should rather catalyze our spirits to act more responsibly in our daily affairs. Take this chance to shower goodness upon the earth, be the change you want to see in the world. Be present in the moment, not thinking ahead five minutes or to what you ate for breakfast, there is only now. There is no power on Earth that can guarantee you will live for another five minutes.

As we enter this new decade, I see more and more people taking responsibility for being here and for the actions of their lives. No longer should bad behavior be attributed to external forces. The "devil made me do it" mentality is the greatest cop-out in history. Once we begin to stop enabling ourselves, we will start to act better. We will start to heal ourselves from the inside out. This mysterious thing we call Life will eventually end and that is why it is so important to change now. When the Great Hunter finally does arrive, this does not mean the end of consciousness, but the beginning of something new. Give your lost loved ones the love and respect that they deserve, but do not overly mourn them, when you are truly ready, you will be reunited in another time, in another world. A world where suffering and loss are only remembered as quaint oddities of the past. Our souls travel down the long road of creation and our purpose is to learn. Whether it takes us a hundred lifetimes or only a few, we will eventually escape the iron grip of fear and gain the clarity and power needed to transcend the bars of our vibrational prison.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sam I Am

The grubby, freckle-faced boy pushed his way through the thorned bushes and the barbed shrubs into a small clearing. He was an angry child, selfish to the core, and ignorant too. He had run away from his brethren and become disoriented in the enchanted maze of the Dark Sea of Awareness. The air was heavy in the clearing, nothing was stirring. The child, momentarily drained, sat down on the grass. He cursed his fate, blaming his plight on everyone but himself. Over and over again he repeated the mantra: “I’m the only one there is, I’m the only one there is, I’m the only one there is.” Over and over for an eternity he spoke these same words.

The air was heavy in the clearing and time seemed to stop. Sam closed his eyes and became as blind. He ran around and around his cell, crashing into bushes and calling out, “turn on the light, turn on the light!” As he cried out, his foot struck a stone and he crashed to the ground. He opened his eyes and saw light once more and rejoiced. A small muddy puddle was nestled under the thorny branches near where he had fallen, how had he missed it before? He drew over the surface of the water and gazed into the dark void of the abyss laid out before him. Mesmerized by the stillness of the pool and the depth of the void, he lost all track of time and all sense of reality. Forgotten were his brethren who still dwelt outside this secret place. This pool and this clearing were all that had ever have been or ever would be. He realized that now, and he had brought them into being by means of opening his eyes to the light. Everything else was just an illusion; this was place was real. He had always been here, this was his home. And as these fantastic thoughts raced through his mind, he felt loneliness for the first time and his heart wept. As he lay by the pool, he drew a deep breathe and as he exhaled, he watched as his heavy breath moved upon the surface of the waters. Sam saw something lying at the bottom of this filthy pool he had not seen before; he stretched forth his hand, pushing aside the water and pulled something from the black mud of the earth. He washed his find, shaking and splashing it in the water of the pool. When he looked down, lo and behold he held two small wooden dolls; one a boy and the other a girl.

Now Sam had never really had anything you would consider a friend. He had always bullied his peers, and resisted his elders, his own family shunned him and he resented them too. So a find like this, in the mind of a lost and desperate boy, satiated his hunger for companionship. He rejoiced and said aloud “let me make this world a home for my new friends.” He then transformed the stifling clearing into a rich garden in the depths of his mind, naming every rock, twig and leaf. Dozens of new and mystical creatures populated this world of imagination, and each one he held in a special reverence. Last of all he named his most beloved, the dolls, his friends, his children. “I shall call you Primus and you Vivian,” he announced to the world of tulpas. “They shall have my garden to be their home, and they will be its keepers.” And he showed them around the marvelous new world he had created in his mind. “To you my children, I give this beloved land and all its bountiful riches. Live and partake of all things in the land but do not drink from my pool, of that I alone may partake.” And the dolls were glad, and they rejoiced and walked upon the grass and ran with the strange and wonderful creatures.

Now Sam was at first very pleased with his make believe world and he would spend long hours sitting in the sun, his mind lost upon the lovely paths of his delusion, having silent conversations with himself and his children. So it was that one day Sam saw a furry caterpillar inching its way along a branch of one of the bushes around his pool; its fluffy mane bobbing up and down. He had never seen such a thing before, where had it come from? Since he had already brought into being all that ever was or would ever be; he looked down at the worm with anger and disgust. He had certainly not created such an ugly thing as this, from whence had it come?

Sam asked his dolls what they knew of the beast, but in their fear they remained silent. Sam grew jealous and angry, fearing that Primus and Vivian had befriended the foul creature. His thoughts ran wild. At last it all made sense, his tulpas had grown jealous of his dominion and conspired with the evil beast to usurp his crown. They would abandon him once again for this new thing from outside the borders of the world. In his darkest dreams and deepest memories, he had sensed this had happened before, somewhere beyond the void. And a new emotion arose in his heart and he felt regret for the first time. However, these new thoughts he soon dismissed as fantasy and swore an oath of everlasting vengeance towards this new beast. He also had harsh words for Primus and Vivian and they cowered in shame, an emotion that had previously been unknown to them. Sam was a jealous boy, not taken to sharing his toys, and he commanded them that they play with no one else but him. But his fury continued to rise and finally he seized his dolls and threw them out of his garden, far into the tangle of thorny bushes in the outer realm. The horrible creature he also punished for its insolence and Sam was glad because his vengeance was achieved.

Not long afterwards he realized that once again he sat alone in his paradise, and he wept over the loss of his friends. He cried their names aloud, calling out to them in the hope that they might return. But they did not come back, and soon his sorrow again turned to rage. Let them suffer and toil in the outer lands, never again to sit in my presence, an eternal punishment for choosing to remain with the wild beasts. It was they after all, who had betrayed him, they who had gone against his every wish. It was not him; he was Sam, perfect and thus unassailable. So it was that Sam sat alone for a long age, silently brooding in the shadows, blind and unaware of his separation, cursing the loss that he had brought upon himself. Still he desperately thirsted for the love and sacrafice he needed for sustenance.

Yet his anger grew despite his remorse, and he made ready to leave the enclosure, he must find his dolls or perish. But he did not forgive them, there was no forgiveness in his heart, nor had he forgotten what had transpired in the garden. It was not in his nature to forget. He would make them pay he thought as he ducked under the brambles that blanketed the walls of his garden. While he still had great love for his creations, he had also grown to hate and fear them, just as he both loved and hated himself. For he was Samael, king of the blind, and he would have his revenge.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Back to Basics

Inconvenient Timing

If new methods are not achieving desired results, nothing brings back success more than returning to your time tested staple: terror. I have seen this more and more since the Christmas day "underwear bomber." Since that incident, we have seen a massive escalation in airport security so brilliantly justified and sold to us by our friends in the fear mongering mainstream media. Suddenly everyone needs to get a full body "see you naked" scan, never mind privacy laws or sexual predator laws, we have to be safe. Soon we will have people being assaulted in airports just because a sexually deviant TSA officer suddenly wants to get off. These scans not only eliminate privacy, they also demean and humiliate everyone who is scanned. Since Christmas the corporate news organizations have also been breaking stories about all sorts of foiled terror plots from the past year and a half, showing us all that terrorism is back with a vengeance. So the question I asked myself over the past couple of days was why now?

What had been the major stories before Christmas? Tiger Woods elicit love affairs had been a big talking point, blanketing TV screens for an entire month as new details and mistresses continued to emerge from the woodwork. But I dismissed this drivel as mere distraction, possibly designed to keep any discussion of the health care bill on a back burner. Going further back, weren't we supposed to have a major swine flu pandemic this year? Wasn't climate change supposed to drown us all in a sea of melted polar ice caps, mega hurricanes and disappearing polar bears? Finally I had come across something interesting. The two biggest fear stories of the year. So what had gone wrong, why have these strategies been shelved?

Pigs are Filthy Animals

To find the answers we can look back and see that both of these fears have been somewhat dismissed by the public. We were all told to dutifully get our untested H1-N1 vaccine as this killer virus was circling the globe, ready to kill one in five of us. Never mind the vaccine was untested, never mind that it had some pretty toxic ingredients (thimerasol, squalene, cancerous animal cells among others)never mind the terrifying side effects; go get your shot! When a discerning public questioned the safety of this vaccine, an artificial scarcity was portrayed in order to drum up interest in having these poisons injected into the body. Still this did not achieve the desired results, many people have wisely declined the jab. Since these millions of vaccines had already been purchased by our corrupt governments; what would be done with these millions of unwanted vaccines? They will be dumped down the drain of course, polluting water supplies and damaging Eco systems. What long term consequences will arise from that foolish act I would really like to know! The H1N1 has largely been a mild virus, killing fewer people than the seasonal flu. So the pandemic fear has largely been a flop thus far.

Climate Change Alarmists

Climate change was supposed to be the next big thing, capable of wiping millions of people off the globe as the rising seas closed in to swallow our coastal cities. It was a problem so dire, that we needed to massively overhaul the way the world works and impose crippling carbon taxes on humanity. A summit in Copenhagen was planned to bring about a real reform. Yet our hypocritical leaders rented out every limo in Denmark and were driving them from as far away as Germany! The airports were choked with the private planes of our environmentally unconscious "Green" leaders. Ironically just before the summit began the scandal skillfully dubbed Climategate blew the doors off the climate change debate. These whistle blowers gave us proof positive that the data being used to justify carbon restrictions was being manipulated by researchers. It also showed collusion across continents and a blanket denial that temperatures have actually been falling for the past decade. Big Al and his cronies refuse to allow the possibility that a rise in CO2 is the result of higher temperatures and not the cause of it. This shady, manipulated data is supposed to warrant massive new restrictions and taxes? People are looking at their thermometers and outside their window to see the snow covered ground and asking themselves if Global warming is really as imminent a threat as we have been told. If you want to see the real catalyst for climate change, look no further than our own sun.

Back to Basics

So what do you do when your new ideas are floundering in a sea of disbelief? What do you do when your carefully laid plans are coming apart due to intervention from unforeseen forces? You go back to what has always worked in the past: terror. The Nobel Peace prize winner has just committed another 30,000 troops to Afghanistan, even though military intelligence has conceded that fewer than 100 Al-Queda members are left in the entire country! Now we are supposed to support a war on Yemen? What about Iran? Yes, nothing can fire up the people into giving away more of their freedoms than brown guys running around in turbans yelling god is great. It helps to take their eyes off of the real danger, a brutal Control System bent on making sure that everyone marches to the beat of the same fearful drum. Soon everyone will be under the watchful eyes of Big Brother all the time, protecting us by oppressing us. It is indeed a brave new world. I leave you with a quote from the Yaqui sorcerer Don Juan Matus, "Fright never injures anyone. What injures the spirit is having someone always on your back, beating you, telling you what to do and what not to do."
Don't give in, think for yourself, investigate authority, love your neighbor. No storm lasts forever and freedom will prevail!

Additional reading to get you started, there is, of course plenty more out there. Do your own research and come to your own conclusions...

Global cooling

What war on terror?

Swine Flu