Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Beautiful Storm

Close your eyes and listen for a moment, can you hear the fierce call of the wind as it whips across the jagged peaks? There is something hidden within the shrillness of its cold wail. It cannot be seen by the eagle, nor can it be heard by the fox, but its effects can be felt by the wise. Scientists cannot measure it, tax men cannot count it, poets cannot describe it; yet it is present within everything that they do. Mountains cannot stay high because of it, deserts do not stay barren because of it, and it is why no dynasty can last forever. It makes a habit of taking from those who have much, and giving to those who have little, filling canyons, toppling mountains and grinding the stones into dust. Completely formless and hidden, it drifts upon the breath of the wind, driving evolution and transforming generations as it renews the world. One must become keenly aware of the things that cannot be seen with the eyes, if one would understand this mysterious power.

A great storm approaches from the distant edges of creation. The frozen wind issues forth from the darkness beyond the void, stirring the silence of this sacred place, upon its heels follows an army of clouds. The crystal mirror is shattered upon the rocks and the trees sway wildly in the path of the irresistible power. As the clouds steadily advance over the western mountains, the hidden force of the wind drives them on. The herald of the approaching storm trumpets the great arrival upon massive horns of passion and fury. Its cold breath sweeps over the mountains and prepares the way for its violent master, and all things are thrown into chaos at his approach. Like swarming locusts, the gnashing teeth of the storm tear into the trees and claw upon the rocks as they make war upon land and sea, nothing is spared. The once calm waters now crash upon the shore in destructive angst, taking their vengeance out upon the sand.

The storm approaches without any regard to the actions of man; neither sage nor demon can stop it. It operates along its own agenda for its own mysterious purpose and no one can divert it. Sometimes the storm brings ice, other times it carries fire; the forms it takes are many. Wars, famines, economic depressions and even celestial collisions are all masks worn by the storms that intrude upon our world. Some will rage longer than others, but none can last forever, and the powerful winds that turn the world to madness will not perpetually blow. The scars left in the storm's wake will often be seen for generations afterwards, a constant reminder of the awesome power of creation. In the days after the storm, many crooked charlatans will seek to make an unfair profit off those injured by the tempest and the process is defiled by their misdeeds. A storm is a perilous time for the seeker of truth, for in the commotion, the minds of the weak are quickly turned towards insanity. In their panic they inevitably trample one another in a stampede of rats fleeing a sinking ship.

Therefore the wise traveler will take care to find refuge before the coming of the storm and escape the panic of the masses. An approaching storm can be felt by those able to achieve stillness in their hearts and minds. Its myriad signs are to be found in the air before the arrival of the gusting winds; and he is able to hide himself within the fastness of the Earth and ride out the assault of the wind in safety. While chaos reigns in the world above, he maintains peace and order within himself and thus remains unharmed until the sky is once again clear and the way safe.

But this is not always possible, and there are times when a storm will come upon a traveler when he is far from home; approaching so fast that he will not have the time to seek adequate shelter. The traveler may find himself caught in rough waters aboard an inadequate vessel. The unfortunate traveler is forced to weather it as best as he may, his small boat tossed about in the high waves, he must steady his course. Barely discernible amid the angry waters, he struggles to fight the powerful torrents that surround him on every side, but he does not waste his spirit by lamenting his fate. For despite the desperateness of his situation, he is enamored with the power that besets him and remains unafraid in the face of annihilation. He marvels at the brute strength of the waves and the harsh music of the wind, but he knows he is in danger. If he waits too long to find a safe port, his vessel will inevitably capsize and he will perish amid the tumults.

As the flow of the wind finally dissipates, a strange calmness will come upon the land in the midst of the storm. It will be possible for one whose curiosity burns brightly to venture out into the world for a time and experience the magic of the falling snow. Cautiously at first, he raises his head; the wonderland that greets his eyes is indeed stunning. The majesty of the storm's vanguard has given way to the endless flakes of snow that gently float down from heaven. A strange energy now fills this place and all sounds are muffled, not everyone is quite as adventurous, and the brave traveler has the world to himself for a time. By staying the chatter of his mind, he enjoys all of the mysteries that surround him, but remains ever vigilant of any change in the wind and does not stray too far from the warmth of his sanctuary.

The inevitable return of the wind eventually drives the adventurer back underground and it is not a time for exploring. The snow begins to fall horizontally, blinding those who remain above ground; they bitterly condemn the renewal of the wind as they struggle against the current of the storm. The cold begins to wear down the resolve of the traveler and the warm layers of accumulated knowledge are forgotten. Disoriented in the icy corridors of the labyrinth, many will be tempted to surrender to hopelessness and curl up into the frozen embrace of the snow; laying aside the burden of their journey. But this is the coward's way out, and one who is unwilling to give up his task, must reach deep down within himself and rekindle the secret fires that fuel his spirit; and press on through the blizzard. This inner flame will not only warm his body, it will be a shining light which will guide him through the turmoil of the times. The imperishable flame will have been made strong within him by his many years walking upon the inner path. It will serve him well in these times of churning snow and it is one of the most potent weapons in his arsenal. He must use everything at his disposal to survive the onslaught, and he will not waver until he sees the blooming of the first flowers of spring beneath his feet.

These are strange times we live in, the storm is approaching as we speak and it is very difficult to separate reality from illusion. Even those things that seem to be true, in the end are only reflections of the truth and it is hard to tell which way is up and which way is down. Trapped in a house of mirrors, many travelers will become enamored with the reality of the reflection and dive headlong into the illusion, only to find themselves drowning in falsehoods spewed forth from the abyss. It is in these times when the wise traveler will remain centered within himself and not become trapped in the illusion. He is able to notice the subtleties hidden within the reflection and cannot be fooled by their allure. And although he may appreciate their beauty, he looks past the flowery speech and empty promises offered by the false gods, and instead sees the purposes behind their hidden actions in full light of day. He is able to reject their cruel hoaxes and discover the truth of the matter in any situation. He sees the illusions for what they are, falsehoods concocted to deceive the unwary and draw them into oblivion. But the curtain will be lifted, and the false gods will be exposed as frauds and cast out. Nothing can last forever and the endless cycles of time will bring forth many unforeseen changes.

Creation utilizes the power of storms to bring about these changes and to shape the world for the children that are to come. One who has sensed the approaching storm and survived its fury, knows full well both the dangers and the opportunities concealed within the winds. He no longer fears the storm because he knows what weapons it will bring and what will come after its passing; he has taken the worst it has to offer and grown stronger and wiser through the ordeal. All the howling of the wind, the frozen rains, the driving snow, the economic crashes, the endless wars, the lonely road, even his own death; they are all nothing to him now. He has seen what the darkness brings, and he laughs at it within himself. It is quite comical to him. Laughing at the world is a medicine that cures many ails and brings both joy and wisdom to the spirit. There are so many who take the world too seriously these days, they spend their finite lives weeping at the injustices of the world without first seeking out its great beauty. They become sick and insane because they are so full of worry, and they unwittingly contribute to the misery and chaos of the world with their fears. Laughing cures this affliction and a good deal of pettiness is dropped when the world is not taken so seriously. The wise traveler knows that after every dark storm, the world renews itself in brilliance and his spirit will once again soar upon the gentle breezes and look down on the wonder that is creation.

The key to discovering the secret of the storm, is the understanding of collapse. Everything in the world will collapse when its time is done, it is the unbreakable law of creation. The pillars will break, the foundations will crumble and the roof will shatter into dust; but flowers will soon rise from the rubble. The law of collapse uses the violence of the storm as its agent of renewal. As the storm decimates the weak, foolhardy and unbending of the old order, it paves the way for the arrival of the flexible new generation. One day, a massive storm will cut the very legs from the Control System that currently keeps us locked into a closed mind frame and narrow vibrational frequency, enslaving us to its will. When the Control System crashes into ruin, it will be so utterly broken and defeated that even its memory will be obliterated from the pages of history. The storm that will accomplish this will be unlike any other in living memory; its winds will be deafening, its fires unquenchable and its force irresistible. But it will serve to bring about a brighter day than any we have ever known, therefore it should not be feared; only respected.

This perpetual cycle is the way of nature, it is driven by the hidden power within all things, and we are part of it. Like the undulating ocean, the rising and falling of creation is endless in its melodies. Another storm always lurks just beyond the distant horizon, biding its time until it is called forth; its power a threat to our fragile bodies. But those things that bring harm to the body should not be feared, they are but trifles and should not be troubled over, easily overcome by one who has come to understand the purpose of the storm. By stilling his heart and emulating the water, he rises and falls with the waves, and he is never injured, no matter how many times his body is dashed against the rocks. We are not these frail bodies of sinew and bone, our spirits are as water; fluid, formless and powerful.

It is time we understood our true nature and stopped behaving as though we were victims. The Control System strives to keep us weak and afraid, and it does everything in its power to delay the day of its inevitable demise. Do not be troubled by the New World Order and its sinister illuminist minions. They may well have complex conspiracies and classified agendas, but creation has its own plans and cares nothing for the schemes of foolish men who seek only the domination of others; while they remain uncontrolled within themselves. Dark suits such as these will have no place in the world of tomorrow nor any share of its riches.

This time is fast approaching and you must understand the power within the wind and know both its purposes and its ends if you wish to survive the coming storm. No matter how dark the times may seem or how hopeless the situation, it is essential to focus not on the dark clouds that crowd the horizon; but rather appreciate the beauty that sits before you. For if the world has lost its beauty, what is the point of saving it? And although it may be impossible to prevent calamity from striking, you can control yourself and remain unconcerned about it when it arrives. Remember that hidden within the ominous clouds of the storm, the driving winds of creation carry the seeds of a new tomorrow and the promise of renewed vigor for all things that can weather its fury.

The Storm approaches, just listen to the wind...


  1. Living in the NOW means that we should embrace the moments of the storm, Taste the gifts given by the storm, and grow strong in our understanding of the life path.

  2. Great writing and inspirational thoughts.
