Friday, January 8, 2010

Back to Basics

Inconvenient Timing

If new methods are not achieving desired results, nothing brings back success more than returning to your time tested staple: terror. I have seen this more and more since the Christmas day "underwear bomber." Since that incident, we have seen a massive escalation in airport security so brilliantly justified and sold to us by our friends in the fear mongering mainstream media. Suddenly everyone needs to get a full body "see you naked" scan, never mind privacy laws or sexual predator laws, we have to be safe. Soon we will have people being assaulted in airports just because a sexually deviant TSA officer suddenly wants to get off. These scans not only eliminate privacy, they also demean and humiliate everyone who is scanned. Since Christmas the corporate news organizations have also been breaking stories about all sorts of foiled terror plots from the past year and a half, showing us all that terrorism is back with a vengeance. So the question I asked myself over the past couple of days was why now?

What had been the major stories before Christmas? Tiger Woods elicit love affairs had been a big talking point, blanketing TV screens for an entire month as new details and mistresses continued to emerge from the woodwork. But I dismissed this drivel as mere distraction, possibly designed to keep any discussion of the health care bill on a back burner. Going further back, weren't we supposed to have a major swine flu pandemic this year? Wasn't climate change supposed to drown us all in a sea of melted polar ice caps, mega hurricanes and disappearing polar bears? Finally I had come across something interesting. The two biggest fear stories of the year. So what had gone wrong, why have these strategies been shelved?

Pigs are Filthy Animals

To find the answers we can look back and see that both of these fears have been somewhat dismissed by the public. We were all told to dutifully get our untested H1-N1 vaccine as this killer virus was circling the globe, ready to kill one in five of us. Never mind the vaccine was untested, never mind that it had some pretty toxic ingredients (thimerasol, squalene, cancerous animal cells among others)never mind the terrifying side effects; go get your shot! When a discerning public questioned the safety of this vaccine, an artificial scarcity was portrayed in order to drum up interest in having these poisons injected into the body. Still this did not achieve the desired results, many people have wisely declined the jab. Since these millions of vaccines had already been purchased by our corrupt governments; what would be done with these millions of unwanted vaccines? They will be dumped down the drain of course, polluting water supplies and damaging Eco systems. What long term consequences will arise from that foolish act I would really like to know! The H1N1 has largely been a mild virus, killing fewer people than the seasonal flu. So the pandemic fear has largely been a flop thus far.

Climate Change Alarmists

Climate change was supposed to be the next big thing, capable of wiping millions of people off the globe as the rising seas closed in to swallow our coastal cities. It was a problem so dire, that we needed to massively overhaul the way the world works and impose crippling carbon taxes on humanity. A summit in Copenhagen was planned to bring about a real reform. Yet our hypocritical leaders rented out every limo in Denmark and were driving them from as far away as Germany! The airports were choked with the private planes of our environmentally unconscious "Green" leaders. Ironically just before the summit began the scandal skillfully dubbed Climategate blew the doors off the climate change debate. These whistle blowers gave us proof positive that the data being used to justify carbon restrictions was being manipulated by researchers. It also showed collusion across continents and a blanket denial that temperatures have actually been falling for the past decade. Big Al and his cronies refuse to allow the possibility that a rise in CO2 is the result of higher temperatures and not the cause of it. This shady, manipulated data is supposed to warrant massive new restrictions and taxes? People are looking at their thermometers and outside their window to see the snow covered ground and asking themselves if Global warming is really as imminent a threat as we have been told. If you want to see the real catalyst for climate change, look no further than our own sun.

Back to Basics

So what do you do when your new ideas are floundering in a sea of disbelief? What do you do when your carefully laid plans are coming apart due to intervention from unforeseen forces? You go back to what has always worked in the past: terror. The Nobel Peace prize winner has just committed another 30,000 troops to Afghanistan, even though military intelligence has conceded that fewer than 100 Al-Queda members are left in the entire country! Now we are supposed to support a war on Yemen? What about Iran? Yes, nothing can fire up the people into giving away more of their freedoms than brown guys running around in turbans yelling god is great. It helps to take their eyes off of the real danger, a brutal Control System bent on making sure that everyone marches to the beat of the same fearful drum. Soon everyone will be under the watchful eyes of Big Brother all the time, protecting us by oppressing us. It is indeed a brave new world. I leave you with a quote from the Yaqui sorcerer Don Juan Matus, "Fright never injures anyone. What injures the spirit is having someone always on your back, beating you, telling you what to do and what not to do."
Don't give in, think for yourself, investigate authority, love your neighbor. No storm lasts forever and freedom will prevail!

Additional reading to get you started, there is, of course plenty more out there. Do your own research and come to your own conclusions...

Global cooling

What war on terror?

Swine Flu

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