Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Road to Infinity

When we are born into this world, there are many paths that we may choose to tread throughout the course of our lives as we march along the Road to Infinity. Like a transcendental river, the great road of creation will carry us through many wondrous lands as we are irresistibly swept into eternity. The smaller paths we travel each day are naught but its tributaries, they meander across the face of time, twisting and turning; eventually sweeping us all into the ocean of oneness. People are inclined to choose one path or another and continue upon its course seeking that which gives them the greatest satisfaction. Some seek fame and fortune, others seek comfort and shelter, and fewer still seek knowledge, a seeker of truth walks alone.

Those who seek fame and fortune go upon their way in haste, jumping from goal to deadline, they near the end of the journey much quicker than they had intended. Never realizing that the journey is life and life is the journey. Those who seek shelter and comfort tarry upon the way, enjoying rest and relaxation wherever they may find it. But this can leave one lazy and undisciplined, unfit for the challenges ahead. Those seeking knowledge make the most of the journey, by examining the road they learn the lay of the land, by examining the stars they are able to know the seasons. Many things they accomplish before they are inevitably drawn forward, never to return to the days of their youth. The seeker of truth walks another road, one within himself. He has explored the darkness between the stars, and so controls the seasons. He has returned to the source of all things thus all times are one to him. His spirit glides upon the wind and his heart flows within all rivers.

Many and diverse are the paths tread by the seeker of truth, and by no means is the way fixed and solid, rather it bends and turns with the fortunes of heaven and the timing of the earth. It is a matter of choice whether or not one enjoys the path beneath one's feet. For some the journey is a never ending burden as they languish upon the smallest obstacle set before them; for others it is a never ending joy and they find peace and beauty in the smallest of things. At times the path one walks in search of truth and understanding is wide and easy to follow, as the way surges through his being, it carries him through the meadows of his youth and into the sunlit aspens of his noontide where he may bask in the glory of the summer sun.

But progress will not always be this easy, and the path will be narrow at times. Like a cunning serpent it slithers through the long grasses of confusion on its way through the marshes of the forgotten. Although it appears easy to follow, care must now be taken to ensure that one does not become entangled in the underbrush or wander too far from his path and become lost. One who loses his way in this manner may spend years wandering in the marshlands before he is once again able to take up the long road of truth.

Often are the times that one will begin upon a path only to discover that what was once taken as an oasis shining on the horizon is in truth only a mirage, a city in the sand. Bitter may be the disappointment of one who discovers this error. But the seeker of truth will not overly lament his mistake of traveling upon these forsaken paths. For how else can he learn the difference between a good path and a bad one; if he has never taken the chance? Realizing that there are lessons to be learned, the seeker of truth takes the knowledge acquired on these diversions and puts it to good use. By understanding how all things can be both beneficial in some way and harmful in some way, he knows which part of the fruit should be eaten and which part discarded. By examining the root he can know the flower, and it is not long before he can separate the true way from the false.

There are other times when the seeker of truth will be forced to travel a path that seems cold and desolate, its track barely discernable amid the blowing snow. As the cold bite of the wind steals the warmth of his soul, he must remain strong in his quest, for it is easy to become snow-blind amidst the sea of white. It is when traversing these frozen paths when it is most important to faithfully carry on, gaze squarely focused on the warmth of the house that lies beyond the snow on the very edge of sight. He must not despair, for no winter storm can last forever, and the warmth and comforts of home will be the happy reward received from those who greet him on the doorstep of understanding.

Many surprises await the traveler upon the paths of truth and many fellow travelers will cross his path. Who the traveler meets upon the sacred path is a matter of the Fates, and who among those that walk upon two legs can understand their fickle ways? Some will indeed offend the seeker of truth, and from these acquaintances lessons should be learned, but care must be taken that he remain true within himself, and not become corrupted by their uncouth ways. A wise traveler will take counsel with those who wander paths similar to his own, and he will share the road for a time with these fellow souls, in sunshine and in shadows. He may share the goodness of himself and partake of the gifts of his companions, and when they part, it will be with the full understanding that they will meet again on the day when all paths become one.

As he continues on the road to self understanding he will eventually come to the sparse trees that mark the outer edge of the woods of his inner forest. The way is rocky and the trees are rugged, but for those who are able continue upon the journey with a light heart, a clear way to truth will always be found and the trees will yield their secrets. The eternal light of understanding will guide him along the winding trail and past all obstacles. In time he will come to understand the mystery of the trees and the purposes of the rocks and he will see the circle of death and rebirth in everything encountered upon the journey.

There are times when the road will lead into shadow and the traveler will be forced to enter the realm of darkness and travel beneath the edge of reason. And as the walls of the Control System close in on his being, he must always focus on the light at the end of the tunnel and not succumb to fear of the dark. For darkness in and of itself is not evil, but in the absence of light there are many who will be turned aside from the true path and follow the phantoms of the night into madness. These phantoms will seek to kill spiritual gnosis and lead only to desolation. Stern rules and rigid laws will beset the traveler at every turn and attempt to stay his progress. It will be tempting to tarry here when in truth it is a time when he should hurry, and the weak of mind will lose their essential nature upon the path and go no further. Run swiftly past these cruel restrictions, for our true nature is broad and formless, not rigid and narrow.

For the wise traveler who is able to escape the labyrinthine corridors of the Control System's many faces, a rocky road lies ahead. Having beaten back the phantoms of the night, the traveler must climb the stone paths of the mountains of solitude. Upon these arduous paths a seeker of truth will come to know the meaning of the word patience. As he picks his way upon the narrow steps of the mountain, he comes to understand the true beauty of his road. And even though his steps are heavy, he has never felt more rested or alive.

One day, if he has continued steadfastly upon his path, the seeker of truth will at long last come to a single stairway leading to the pinnacle of understanding. Its steps are so broken and ancient that they are hardly discernable amidst the rubble. This is the final obstacle and he is nearing the end of his journey. As he looks up at the stairs before him, the seeker of truth must be united within himself, having walked upon all paths, he knows the way of wise men and fools alike. The many miles behind him seem to be both an eternity and a mere instant; for despite its many struggles the journey has passed altogether too quickly for him. And some may wish to rest at the foot of the final staircase, dreading the end of their quest. This is the greatest danger.

Upon closer inspection he realizes that what he first took as broken stones and stumps, are indeed the shrunken shells of other travelers. Those who tarry overlong at the steps of tomorrow will lose heart before the end of their road. The journey is all that they have ever known and in their foolishness they seek to delay its end, falsely believing it to be the end of all learning. These unfortunate travelers become shriveled and bent as the rocks and gnarled trees that litter the mountainside and their spirits become frail wraiths that haunt the night in regret.

If the traveler loses himself in the winds and remains unafraid, forcing life into his trembling legs, he does not tarry long at the foot of the staircase, but will finish his journey as he began it. He will begin to climb the stairs in joy and expectation, in fear and respect. He is fighting his last battle on Earth and as he releases his spirit into the void he becomes one with the infinite. He stands upon the peak of truth and sees all of creation within his grasp. As he looks down from the eschaton he can see the winding road he has just traversed laid out before him like a river shining in the sun. All things are at his fingertips and he can harness the power of infinity to accomplish anything. From the understanding he has gained upon his long road, he knows both how and when to use this power, and he will not involve himself in useless endeavors nor answer the prayers of fools.

The Road to Infinity begins beneath our feet. Travel well.

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